I remember waaaaaay back when it was just me and my husband, Tim. Keeping everything organized was a struggle. I was young and combining my life and his in a cohesive fashion was a hard!
Now. Fast forward about 20 years…
I was lying in bed the other night and I had to laugh at how simple things were back then. I could sit down and focus on something for more than 10 minutes at a time. I didn’t have to stop and go pick anyone up or drop anyone off. I only had to cook and shop and clean for TWO people!!
I was really blissfully, totally ignorant!!
These days we have anywhere from 9 to 11 people in our home on a daily basis. Currently we have 5 dogs as well and officially three cats, but several others who have decided ours is the house of choice in the neighborhood. I really didn’t know how easy I had it.
That said, there are a few key things that I do to attempt to keep everyone in line each week so I am not running myself completely crazy and still have some me time. As a mom with a lot of kids you have to walk a fine line between being super flexible and very consistent.
Here are five things I do each week to attempt things together around here.
1. Teach Laundry Basics
All of my kids are responsible for their own laundry to some degree. The age I turned this over varied for each child and their personal level of maturity. Even kids who couldn’t handle all of the laundry process, can handle parts of it. Noah, 12, for example, was just taught to use the washer a few weeks ago. Up until then, he could switch his loads, remove it from the dryer and fold his clothes.
My kids who are in school know that they have to do their laundry on the weekend for the next week. Noah throws his in on Friday night or Saturday morning. Grace, Nathan and Josh, who are in high school, need to have it all done by Sunday evening. Grace is awesome about it. She normally has everything done by Saturday night.
Now. A note on personal responsibility. I do not browbeat the kids into getting things done. I live by the term ‘Pick your fights.’ Noah is young enough that I stay on top of him to make sure he follows through. He has consequences for not getting his stuff done on time such as no TV time or games until he is finished. The older ones have natural consequences. If their laundry isn’t done, they might have to wear a dirty shirt to school. For some, this is highly effective. Take Grace and the fact that she always has clean clothes. She only had to wear something less than appealing once. For some, it’s not as effective. Some of the boys can really care less if their shirt is clean or not. However, if I notice they don’t smell clean or don’t look presentable, I will just ask for a phone until things are done.
2. The Grocery Store
At some point, I will do a full post about the grocery store. For now though, I’m going to write a few basic rules I have to avoid living there. I keep a list on the refrigerator. If we are out, write it down. If it’s not on the list, and I don’t get it, then we don’t have it until I go again.
I really, really, really try to only go to the store two or three times a week. Once for the majority of our food and a couple of other times to replenish some basics.
I try to make a meal plan for 2 weeks at a time. I try to stick to that meal plan as much as possible to keep my expenses down. I spend much less money and spend a lot less time in the store if I do this one thing. It does take an hour or so to plan everything, but it’s worth it.
3. Chores
My kids have assigned chores that they sign up for each week. Chores start over each Friday, so they have to have their names by their choices by Thursday night. They can do one thing each day, or do one day of all the chores and be done. It really depends on their school and work schedules. If they need to adjust something, they are responsible for finding someone else to do their chores. It’s not unusual to hear some interesting bargaining happening during the week.

4. Weekly Planning

I sit down each Sunday evening and touch base with the kids. I make note of any appointments, projects and events I need to be aware of. I put these on the calendar and on my weekly planning form. I also enter them in my phone so I can easily check while I’m on the go.
This is a complete life saver! The kids know if they need me for something, they have to let me know as soon as possible. I literally can’t drop everything to do something for them last minute. But, if I have advance notice, I always try to make everything happen.
As a bonus, I have included a PDF copy of my Weekly Planning Sheet for you for FREE here! Enjoy!
5. School Stuff
With multiple kids in school, notices and forms that I need to read and sign can quickly take over my life. Especially when three kids forget to get something signed and bring it to me while I am trying to get everyone out the door! So to put a stop to this, I will ask if anyone needs me to sign or read anything, and if so, to put it on my desk.
I make it a point to check my desk while dinner is cooking, then read and sign everything. I hand everything back right after dinner. If it’s not on my desk, expect to get griped at if I get handed something in the morning, and it may or may not get signed right then depending on what is going on.
These are a few of the things I do to make things flow better around here! Let me know what you do to keep your family running smoothly?
Danette Gilbert
I am always looking for ways to keep on top of staying organized. These are great ideas. I adopted 4 kids a few years ago and am still trying to figure it all out.
Thank you! If you are anything like me, just when you think you have it all figured out, something changes!