Healthy Living

One Month of Intermittent Fasting

Sooooo, I told everyone in this blog post here why I chose to start intermittent fasting as a way to lose weight and get healthy. I have officially been following this plan for a whole month now.

Guess what??

I am LOVING it!!!

That’s not to say that it hasn’t been without a few struggles here and there, because it has. But, no where near to what I have dealt with when I have tried other diets and weight loss plans. As opposed to those, I can honestly see making this a new way of life.

Now for what I know you all really want to know…what are my results??

I am excited to report that I have lost nineteen pound, half an inch in my waist and three inches off my hips! The best part? I didn’t have to cut out carbs. I didn’t have to pay a bunch of money to be in a program. I don’t have to count calories. I get to eat whatever I want, and as much as I want. I can totally see this being a new way of life for me.

That said, there are a few things you need to be aware of. I lost thirteen of those nineteen pounds during those first two weeks. Water weight?? The other six pounds have slowly come off over these last few weeks. From everything I have read, and by other people’s accounts, this is what I am expecting from here on out. Slow weight loss.

This is totally fine with me. I know that, if I feel inclined to, there are other things I can do to speed up the process. I can start exercising. I can cut carbs. I can fast longer. For right now, I am happy doing what I am doing.

In case you are wondering what this way of eating entails, this is what it looks like for me.

I clean fast for anywhere from sixteen to nineteen hours each day. Usually I start around five or six in the evening and eat my first meal the next day by noon or one. Basically, I skip breakfast.

Around lunch time, I will eat some yogurt, a piece of fruit, some nuts or some crackers and cheese. About an hour later, I eat a decent sized meal. Usually, it’s a salad, leftovers or a stir fry. Then around five, I will eat a half sandwich or some other smallish snack, and I am done. Today I was more hungry and ate a BLT and then had chicken stir fry around six. For the rest of the night, I will just drink water, tea or coffee. The same goes for tomorrow morning until I am ready to eat.

It really is easy. I started with fourteen to sixteen hour fasts and slowly worked my way up to eighteen and nineteen hour fasts.

Did I mention that I feel great?? I will be back to update you on how my second month went!

If you want to read more about intermittent fasting and how our bodies really process what we eat, I highly recommend the following three books. ** Note: This is an affiliate link and if you purchase anything, we do receive a small commission off the sale at no additional cost to you. Aside from that though, these are the books that I have read and what has guided me and helped me figure things out as far as how to do intermittent fasting and get results.

Delay, Don’t Deny is written simply and straight forward to help you begin Intermittent Fasting
In Feast Without Fear, we learn why one way of eating does not work for everyone.
The Obesity Code explains what weight gain is really fueled by and how to correct it!

Have you tried intermittent fasting? I would love to hear about how it is going for you!

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