• Take control of your child away from video games

    When Video Games Control Your Child

    As I was browsing some parenting groups last night on Facebook, one post made me stop and think about how far we had come with a similar issue. The mom was concerned because her son, who was around 14, had no actual in person friends.  All of his friends were online through his video games. The boy didn’t go out and socialize, and he didn’t have friends over. Other parents started chiming in about how they were concerned with this as well. Having seven kids, I see this to varying degrees in my own house, but I wouldn’t say any of my kids are not physically social in the real…

  • teen adoption
    Adoption,  Family,  Foster Care

    What to Expect When You Adopt a Teenager

    I am going to be a completely real with you today. I am going to talk about the reality (at least mine) of teenage adoption. If you read my blog, you know that we have seven kids. Three are ours biologically, three came to us through adoption and one is a bit of a bonus kid who kind of adopted us. When you adopt a teen, you are adopting a child who has an entire other life time full of experiences that you were not a part of. They had an entire other family that wasn’t you. You are signing on to parent a kid who was not shaped by…

  • Teaching Responsibility

    Teaching Responsibility

    Responsibility is a really hard concept to teach. And there are so many little things thrown in there as well such as consequences, honesty, and independence just to start. It’s one of those things you have to turn over to the child at some point because if you force them to be responsible, are they? Or are they being obedient? I mean, I do want my kids to be obedient. But I really want them to be responsible. I want them to take care of what they need to do when no one is standing there telling them to do it. Right now, it’s 10:00 p.m. on a Monday night…

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