Last night, our dog passed away unexpectedly. It left everyone sad and a bit shocked at how sudden it was. Our dog, Snickers, was honestly a bit of a pain in the ass. He had a tendency to think any box I happened to set down was a tree. He barked literally at everyone including family members every. single. time. they came through the front door (and with nine of us, you can imagine how often that was!)
But, he also sang “I love you!” in chorus with the kids. He amused everyone by making one of the bottom cabinets his home. He would poke his head out of the cabinet door like a turtle coming out of his shell. It was so cute that we even equipped it with a bed for him and began to refer to it as HIS cabinet! After I had my brain surgeries he never left my side the entire time I was recovering. It’s very quiet and a lot less warm around here without him by my side.
So, as I was thinking about him and realizing just how much I’m going to miss him, I began to realize there were quite a few life lessons he taught that could be applied to my life.

Protect the Ones You Love
Despite the fact that Snickers was all of maybe twelve pounds, he stood bravely up to any perceived danger that came our way. Even if that threat was ten times bigger than him. He was outspoken when he saw something that he didn’t agree with, and he let others know his opinion. Too many times in life, we see something that we know is wrong, but remain quiet because what we are up against is bigger than we are. Just like Snickers, we should let our voice be heard. You never know who else is feeling the same way you are!
Let Your People Know You Love Them
Snickers went from looking a little sick to passing away in less than 24 hours. There was never a day that went by that he didn’t run to the door to greet me when I came home. He would stand up on hind legs and dance around with his little front paws wiggling in the air. He made you feel happy to be walking through that door! That silly dog would even be waiting outside of the bathroom door when I went in! Now, I think my kids would definitely not appreciate me waiting outside their doors to greet them when they come out, but I do need to remember when they arrive home I need to put down what I’m doing and genuinely engage with them! Some days, with so many kids coming and going it’s easy to feel like I haven’t managed to cross one thing off my to do list. Keeping my focus on what I’m doing when they come in or out may get that item crossed out but, that’s one less chance for me to build our relationship.

Say YES As Often As Possible
I had no clue it was going to be my little dog’s last day on this earth, but I take some comfort in knowing that he got to go run around the yard and chase that cat, he went on the car ride to Sonic with me and all morning was spent snuggling with me under my blanket. It would have been easy and less of a hassle to not have taken him out, or to have put him in his kennel for an hour, but I’m so glad I didn’t! It was a little bit of a inconvenience for me, but now I have the memories of him happily sniffing the wind one last time!
No One is Perfect
Snickers was a pain. In so many ways. Honestly, I can’t say I will ever have another little dog again just because they tend to be more skittish and barky, and that just doesn’t mesh well with my huge rowdy family. But, that said, I knew that if I was having a bad day, he’d be right there. He wasn’t perfect, but he loved all of us and he tried his best to convey that every day. I’m really glad that myself and my family were able to see past his annoying qualities and let him love us and love him in return. He was just a little dog, but I think he changed our lives for the better.
We will miss him!

Aww. Poor Snickers! He had the life! He was loved even though he was a pain. He was happy and cared for in a loving home and all dogs deserve to have that. They’re loyal companions and are missed when they leave us sometimes unexpectedly and always too soon.
He was loved and definitely too soon. Crazy with both him and Riley. 🙁
I LOVE THIS POST. This is just too sweet and sad and my heart goes out to you guys, but I love the idea of learning life lessons from our fur babies. My two huge monsters kind of tumble through life, but I’m sure I could learn a couple things from them!
Aw!! Thank you. I sometimes think stumbling through life is not so bad!
I understand the pain. I was teary-eyed while reading ☹️ Our family lost our pet too, just last year. And the sadness caused by the silence cuts straight to the heart. I am touched by the thoughts you shared here. Snickers will always be around because of the memories he left you. ❤️
Thank you! They really do make a big impact on our lives!! I am sorry about your fur baby as well!