• Preparing a Room for Your Foster Child
    Adoption,  Foster Care,  Organization

    Preparing for Your Foster Child

    So, you have made the decision to foster! You found an agengy. Completed your training, and passed your home study. Now what? Now comes the fun part! Getting your house and the kid’s rooms ready for when they arrive! But, what do you need to get? How do you decorate their rooms? How do you know what they will like? How do you make them feel at home? There is so much to figure out!! When we were waiting on the boys to move in, our house was literally flipped on it’s head. We had to shuffle bedrooms for my three biological kids and then make room for three new…

  • teen adoption
    Adoption,  Family,  Foster Care

    What to Expect When You Adopt a Teenager

    I am going to be a completely real with you today. I am going to talk about the reality (at least mine) of teenage adoption. If you read my blog, you know that we have seven kids. Three are ours biologically, three came to us through adoption and one is a bit of a bonus kid who kind of adopted us. When you adopt a teen, you are adopting a child who has an entire other life time full of experiences that you were not a part of. They had an entire other family that wasn’t you. You are signing on to parent a kid who was not shaped by…

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